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Notts TV ident:

This animation was to attempt to represent a certain brand, creating a title sequence to try and represent Notts TV, while also using Nottingham Iconography. It starts off with a black hole, intaking many aspects that represent both Nottingham and Notts TV, you then enter the black hole, where the title itself is displayed.

This was also made using After Effects to form the techniques and movement while Illustrator was also involved in making the assets. As well as an improved use of the normal After Effects techniques such as Move, rotate and opacity, I have included more complex techniques like CC sphere (which formed a circular object when you go into the black hole) plus the sequence of the title itself involved many techniques such as an animated brush which revealed one of the letters.

Overall, I think this animation has aged because of the slightly inferior asset design and the low rendering quality, but I do see it as a better improvement compared to the previous animation. This was also the first time I had to represent an existing piece of media while also putting my own spin on things, which is useful as I do a lot of that in my future work. I also like the colour scheme too, the use of colour schemes has been something I have also got better at overtime. I have gained feedback staying that the part within the black hole doesn't fit within the rest of the animation as well as well as the black hole idea has been misleading to some (while my intention was that the black hole intakes everything to do with Notts TV and Nottingham, and you go into it too, representing that there is somewhere to go for proper Nottingham content). Despite some weaker aspects, this is an older animation of mine which I have looked back with some positivity and appreciation.

Alike the first animation, this too was provided a month, both animations even had it's own pre-production brief which was also given a month, after those were done, the practical brief was then released a week after. This animation had a similar routine to the previous animation (as this animation is the second ever animation I have formed), I used the first week to form all the assets, then the rest of the weeks is where I did the production areas like applying keyframes to the assets all going into the black hole, then the last half of the final week was used to form the final render. As these early college animations were small in scale, the production routine wasn't very complicated, it's the rest of the animations which had a more complicated production routine. This is also the first time I went for a premise which I can manage considering the skills and time I’ve had.

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