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Drahen's dragon transformation:

Yet another animation I made in my own time, based on another fictional character of mine, this is Drahen, a normal person who has powers to turn into a stone-based dragon with lightning powers. This animation was made using Photoshop only, while After Effects made the lightning glow and allowed scale effects to make it look like the camera moved further away from Drahen after the main sequence. As a Photoshop animation, its digital frame by frame (which is my favourite animation method) and this animation is to play around with a character while also testing a sequence like this, where characters change form, or at least turning one object into another (this is what got me to want to perform frame by frame methods like the morphing segments in 'The Future We Choose' animation.
There were some new things I learnt as I made this animation such as making a certain layer consist of glowing effects (which was the lightning parts), chipping effects as the dragon form breaks out of a cyan shell and the dolly shot around the later points of the animation. This animation I do like for enabling me to learn new things in my own time, something which any animator should do while doing brief work. As I like animals like dragons, this has also made me to look forward to making future animals consisting of animals, whether they are real, mythical of made up creatures I've done myself.

This animation was very similar to the other none-brief pieces of work all of them which were made after the first year of university was done, finishing all my assessment work while using the last few days of the software's availability to make as much work as possible.  This was one of those animations that was done after all my assessment work was done, while running on the last days of being able to use the Adobe softwares for free, meaning this was the last animation to be made compared to the other animations I made. This one took a couple of days, the frame by frame process was somewhat lengthy, and where it took the most time, roughly a whole day allowing with some hours within the following day, but once it's within After Effects, this is where the workflow was a lot quicker, even the rendering was somewhat quick too. From the simple idea for the premise and knowing how long I wanted this animation to be, it was the perfect animation to make considering the time I had left. 

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