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Boxing (Keyframe version)

This is not only another boxing animation that was tied with the sport animation brief, but this is one of the only animations I have made that involves keyframe based animation, keyframes applied to assets which are made up of parented features. This animation is where I wanted to have a go with this while coming up with another animation approach for when representing boxing as a cool yet vicious sport. Like the other boxing animations, it consists of two different boxers, and this one does have a winner as you would see at the end of the animation. Photoshop helped form the many asset features, along with forming some areas of the setting, plus the blood effects that come out of the loosing boxer once his head is lunched off. After Effects on the other hand did provide many techniques such as the red and blue flashes which represent the hit from either boxer, the parenting of each body feature, the compositing of the blood effects and placing these boxer's with the setting.
Like the other boxing animations, I did want to present many boxing techniques like upper cuts, double jabs, along with other actions like having one boxer fall and then get back up. While I am not the biggest fan of this type of animation where you parent body features and apply keyframes to them like position and rotate, however, this animation has made me more confident in this form of animation, at a point where I would be up for making another animation like this. There has also been lesson work where I did use keyframes to animate a basic dinosaur I've made (which can be seen within my YouTube channel). So that would be interesting to explore, mixing keyframe based animations with animals as I am an animal fan too. Overall, I do prefer other animation methods such as digital frame by frame, but it's animations like this which does help me become more flexible towards other animation methods, I believe all animators should adapt to many forms of animation, even if they have their preferences.

As mentioned for when talking about the first digital frame by frame boxing animation, I was given three months to work and plan on five boxing animations, and this one above was one of the lengthier ones for when looking back, even doing half of this animation required a week of time, due to the complex process of parented 2D characters, and not having enough experience on how to progress this kind of animation is an efficient manner. All the boxing animation's render time however was thankfully around a day for each one, even a couple of them were small enough to allow two animation renders to happen in one day, sadly this animation took the longest to render, but I did allow enough time before the module's deadline. For when making all the assets, that took less than a week, while the rest of the time was used to apply all these little After Effects techniques like the flashes, but the keyframes and the parented features I would say took more than a week.

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