Boxing (Digital frame by frame)
This was one of the boxing animations I've done for an assignment which consist of making a collection of boxing animations, as you make each animation with a different approach, for this animation, I’ve gone for an approach which is digital frame by frame. I've also made this animation with a first-person perspective, as if your fighting boxing, overtime, the opponent starts getting more injured overtime, presenting a sport which looks cool while also demonstrating some violence.
As mentioned, this was made using Photoshop, and Photoshop alone, to form the black background, the boxers themselves (which are white with their own coloured outline) alongside some linework around the boxers plus some motion graphics when the first person perspective boxer gets hit in the face. As you had to make multiple animations based on the chose sport of boxing, this animation had to be short to make time for the other clips, but I believe I did showcase enough skills as a beginner student using this method at the time.
This I would consider to be my favourite boxing animation out of the three I've added to this site, and this is because as this was the first piece of assessment work which included the use of digital frame by frame within Photoshop, after doing this project, I did want to use more of this approach, this is because 2D is my favourite type of animation, and I would be able to express that kind of interest by going for this way of animating 2D. As keyframe based motion graphics isn't the kind of 2D I'm keen on, and I used to be a massive fan of classic Disney content, this method of animation gave me the chance to do that kind of animation myself. While there might be a couple of instances where the animation within this particular animation could have been improved, and I would have liked to make this animation longer, overall, I am still pleased with it as a whole, thanks to the colours, premise and a nice representation of the sport.
This module was around for three months, as it was around, we all required the time to do some planning for all five animations, and then use majority of the time to form all five animations. This animation only took more than a week, as a short frame by frame animation, it was easy to do, while I did check all the frames to make sure everything worked as consistently as possible, using the remaining time wisely. The other animations were somewhat lengthier than this animation, which they all required two weeks if putting all its time together. Overall, this was an animation that was relatively quick to do, due to the short run time and only requiring some minor research and planning.