This is one of those character animations I did in my own time, and this character is called Binate, a character who is made up of multiple personalities (information about them can be seen within the description of the YouTube video itself, as well as below this writing too). This character goes through seven personalities, each one having their own colour, skillset, and other quirks. All then go from one another naturally as they change colour multiple times, except the final personality, who only comes about due to a burn, and instead of colour spreading around the skin of the character like the other personalities, this one fades into the colour red, making it stand out further. This character I have also considered to be part of one of the shows I want to pitch and show run for, and there have been some changes to the character after this film was made such as considering other personalities to add to this character.
This animation has only been made using Photoshop only, forming a simple sequence of movements within all the characters, as well as a decent interaction with the many objects it uses, plus the transition from character to character I do find quite satisfying as it goes from one to the next. After making this animation, it could help me provide some ideas and inspiration for when making future 2D characters, and this animation was also to expand on what I have done with past 3D characters such as the ones in the Rio animation, and the digital frame by frame boxing short films.
Overall, while I would like to improve some of the speed of some of the motions within this film, and wanting to add more detail to the animation, I am still pleased with visualisation one of my favourites made up characters. Therefore I have used a water mark for animations like this one, in order to protect my own characters, characters who will be very important in the future. There are many aspects I like within this animation such as the transition from character to character, managing to form different personalities despite sharing the same body, I thought the movement was consistent enough and I thought it was a step for when making my 2D work a bit more three dimensional, as evidenced by the final transformation.
This was one of those animations I did make in my own time while I was in a good position with all my university work, taking the chance while I had photoshop in the palm of my hands before the softwares were no longer free to download once the first year of university ended. As I wanted to make this animation while making myself aware on what needed to be done with my university projects, I used two or more days to make this animation. If I had more time, I would have wanted to expand the screen time of each personality being shown; but when trying to do your own animation while your university work is still present, it was wise to give this animation a limited amount of time and then going back to your university material, both were given the right amount of time, knowing how long both areas needed. This is certainly important if you are a student who is working on brief based work while wanting to make your own work while you have the resources present, but make sure you know how much time either side needs. This is also why my animation was short, because I wanted to use the time to show all the personalities within a short segment, instead of making an animation that was too big to fit all the time for the other personalities.
All Binate personalities:
Binate- The main body, has an infinity for care and knows about the rest of the rest of the characters than anyone. Overall, he is an alien race which develop other personalities depending on what he encounters.
Tellec- The smartest one, who can solve any scientific situation or experiment, his glasses are a must for when he's around.
Combo- The most talented with martial arts (while any of them can summon these circular weapons) he knows how to use them the best, mostly immature and likes to fight a lot
Nipper- A kid persona of the lot, he is very unaware of anything, but just likes to play with his toys
Diplo- Another smart one, a book worm as well as the one with the most political insight of the world he lives in (Emigre, an alien planet that aliens go to when they're homes get destroyed).
Gineer- The pilot and mechanic of the lot, he travels in a spaceship with 3 other aliens, whenever the ship needs fixing or piloting, he's the one to do that. He can also fix anything mechanical regardless of tools.
Psycophant- While Binate can control all of them, this one he cannot. This one only comes around whenever he is affected by any forms of heat. Psycophant has his own abilities such as super-strength and black hole summoning.