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~Chapter 1 – A new mission    

It is a new day for the legion, they have woken up, but they have been alarmed by bad news, Some aliens have come to threaten the president, and the legion must make their way. The gear is worn, the Awesome Atone is up and the president is getting closer to danger. The aliens either have the president as a hostage or trying to fight back the servicemen who are trying to close in on the president’s house, and a nice house at that. Light green, in the middle of a lake, many balconies and a nice view around, but even the defences (the same one that protects the mountain with the life force placed back inside) are often around but have been disabled by these aliens. As well as the servicemen, even Mike and Retron are there too, to help their friend, but they too are struggling to get to the president, and the defences are struggling to be rebooted by the base digitally. The legion however is not too far away, and so while they make their way, they thought to have a nice conversation. Despite the president being at the centre of this situation, he remains relatively calm, he used to be in worse situations. He was made a hostage by past humans before, showing the present aliens no fear. Back to the legion, considering they have now known each other for a month, Pod has an idea to get to know more about everyone's past, a nice topic as they make their way.  Zammy only hints at his past bullying, and Arvin (who can be understood by Pod considering he is the only other animal-like creature around) talks about how he remembers his early memories of being looked after by the legion. Nicole however doesn't want to reveal anything, she has mentioned she has been trained throughout her adult life. Currently, they are wondering about her childhood which she will not reveal at the point where she gets angry, making the legion quiet and upset, but now they have made it to the president’s house, Nicole provides some orders and then they all get on in silence. And so, after this exchange, the legion gets off the Awesome Atone, and with the Awesome Atone’s new drone mode, it shoots a stun version of lightning to fire at a brand-new army, but a smaller one at that. The race that the legion and others have faced this morning are creatures that have metal aspects to their skin, crab legs, anti-gravity abilities and their type of laser guns which require charge but release a straight yet quick laser, not to mention the crab legs make the creatures able to climb with ease. While some are shooting, the others terrorise the president, keeping him in one spot. The president continues to stay without fear, asking why he is a hostage. The race replies that they too were sent to sort out earth’s security, and so by threatening the lead, it brings all the forces, and the race needs time to contact any of Zionthor’s allies. This is a race that hasn’t allied with Zionthor yet, but by doing this, they think they will be welcomed into the clan. After finding out that there are beings that are hunted for their combating abilities, they have an idea to join Zionthor, meaning their whole race won’t die in Zionthor’s hands. So far, the fight is in favour of the servicemen, able to advance and surround the area, putting the aliens on the spot, and making them desperate to fight back. Mike and the legion can advance due to their capabilities, they are to go through the battle to protect the president.  Some of the aliens spot this but the servicemen are keeping them too preoccupied, but they believe that the ones who have the president hostage will keep this legion away. But at the same time, they are puzzled by this mixed team, they thought the earth was rumoured to be powerful just because of the human’s intelligence, you would often think that it is a single race outclassing another, but no, and now it worries them, how will they be able to fight a mixed alien team? And if they lose, they may get hunted down, making them consider running away from Zionthor, like many other races have been doing. Regardless, the legion does run through the inside of the building, fighting the aliens. But the teamwork is lacking because of the off conversation earlier, making them more individual, but they do make it to the office of the president, making all the aliens focus on the legion. Zammy and Pod fire their projectiles which gets all six aliens in the room, Nicole gets to the president defending him using her shield, and even Arvin helps fight each alien individual, making them all get knocked out or stunned. The aliens in the room have been sorted, Mike has been checking the whole building digitally to make sure there are no more Quaros in the building. Even Retron tries to run to the president, only to see that the president is safe, with the president thanking Nicole, and Mike hears this news and is pleased with her. Retron however gets immense jealousy, he used to always help the president, and now that part of his history is getting ripped away from him. Now the president is safe thanks to the legion, Mike and Retron keep an eye on him, Nicole and Arvin arrest the aliens to keep them neutralised, with Zammy zapping most of the aliens in a way that shows a different side to him, which Pod could see. But Pod becomes more controlled and calculating, jumping from one alien to the next, and he is even the one to stop the pilots in their only ship, telling them to bring the ship down, they have lost, and all the aliens could see that, making them surrender. All the aliens are gathered whether they are stunned, arrested or surrendered, told to leave the planet with mercy. One alien admitted that Retron nearly killed him, which makes Retron humiliated, but Retron denies this, making the others unsure of Retron, but let it slide for now. Retron states it was for self-defence yet all the servicemen and even the legion were told to keep these aliens alive just in case, stunning does enough, taking lives can be too far. The aliens explain why they did this after telling the president, and they all tell the Quaros to run before any of Zionthor’s allies find out about their actions. So they all gather on their ship, a ship which is your average flying saucer, except the ring is separate from the ship, designed to move the ship magnetically, and so all the Quaro jump on and get going. As they failed to tackle Earth, they will go on the run as there might be a chance that one of Zionthor’s allies took note of this and will probably try and hunt them down if they have enough power to take on the legion. Zionthor doesn’t need that against his side if the Quaros decide to turn on Zionthor after failing to get his favour.   



~Chapter 2 – Ozona and Hailwolf    

In the Deepa Fortress, after losing Orphion, the clan is figuring out new ways to sustain their dominance across the universe, but most of all, try and find out how to get rid of this legion on earth. After a lot of shouting, disagreeing and more planning for what to do, one idea comes up, coming from Ekron, getting help from Ozona. Ozona is another dictator himself who links planets via chains to rule multiple planets at once while also reducing violence and free will.  These are also specialised chains which can be walked through but they have a special tunnel to quick anyone from Ozona’s planet into another world, making the chain walk very quickly. He might be busy, but he is formidable, and Ozona should accept this deal if the earth is another planet that also needs more of a cap on.  And so Zionthor does send Ekron to go and see Ozona, putting all discussion at peace. Everyone gets on with their work, and some are nervous, however, with the netrobots gone, Dyon has more time to take down Zionthor-based threats. This is one reason why the legion and Dyon haven’t seen each other for ages, Slitheroc, shows this concern. Zionthor says that they should all function without fear, so Slitheroc and the rest are encouraged to get going with the energy hunting. Ekron has teleported to Ozona’s world, simply named ‘Ga’, and Ekron is somewhat scared to arrive, he slowly walks up to Ozona's castle, with the guards (stonos who are popular in this world) at the front. Ekron remembers from last time that he will leave his spear behind, and meet Ozona in the main room, which is entered as soon as the front door opens, and there he is, Ozona, shrouded in dark blue, pale skin, a small sword and human-sized. He may not sound like much compared to the scary robot that was Orphion, but Ozona here could be argued to be more intimidating, and so, Ozona and Ekron start chatting. After this chat, Ozona seems keen on the idea of taking over the earth after being told what it is like. And so, Ozona gets his army to generate a new chain to launch to Earth, the only thing missing however is Earth's coordinates, and he knows who can help. As Ekron teleports back to the Deepa fortress to notify Zionthor of Ozona’s help, Valas, Ozona’s morfil. Valas wears the average morfil armour but recoloured to represent Ozona more as it uses more blue, a type of armour where plates are all over the body an average morfil is also a dark grey, and Vatter was in the same room. While helping Ozona keep out for any infiltrators and helping set up the current chains for the new planets for Ozona to rule. And so, we are introduced to Hailwolf, she is currently at Giddery, land of the slashoes. The world is like a tropical resort which is occasionally built, full of blue leaf trees, occasional blocks for climbing alongside many services tailored to entertain like betting. In this world, there are multiple ways of betting like fighting competitions, and more variety compared to Earth. The race however is like lime green elves, all like to wear big coats, most of them bearing short duel wield blades and are mildly connected to the life force, using it to create astral bodies or as temporary invincibility. They are a greedy race, over the top and occasionally vicious, no wonder Ozona wanted to keep tabs on a world with a race like this. In one of the planets that Ozona is ruling, a small brawl is occurring.  The two groups of slashoes fight each other using their abilities, This rapid movement catches someone’s attention, but later, someone else is sent in the meantime, Hailwolf.  She is a pneumian, a race which looks human but has blue skin, no hair, wearing a darker green gi and a dark blue scarf around her head and a side fury dark blue cape. Hailwolf is unique in one way, she only has one fully grown arm, and the other arm failed to grow before she was born, but her abilities lie in another form. This other form consists of a Haywan, a creature cross between a wolverine and a wolf which is dark blue and big, able to jump, run quickly, climb well and even shoot sharp quills from her fur. As a pneumian, she is part of a race that uses the life force (which floats around the sky in her world, showing all types of creatures, and seeing their spiritual forms). While these pneumians have multiple choices, Hailwolf went for a more protective creature, and this is the form she will have for the rest of her life, which she is half ashamed about.  Regardless, she uses her alternative form to scare everyone, even using some force to break the fight, and this does intimidate some of the slashoes. The others become tempted to fight her, but she either shows intimidation or has the big boss come to scare them all. The big boss, Ozona comes to enter the world via a floating piece of debris with the help of his telekinesis. He then lands slowly, and Ozona makes a gesture to get Hailwolf to him, and Hailwolf returns to her main form, an ability which Hailwolf can perform quickly. She stands by Ozona, Ozona threatens that the planet will suffer majorly, going as far as extinction if the race has another clash like this. This makes the race not only scared but frustrated that they cannot fight to express themselves as they used to, to which Hailwolf can sympathise. Now Ozona had his little speech, and he then had a word with Hailwolf. Ozona sets Hailwolf on another task, to get hold of a stone serpent (which can also provide atmospheric protection from the effects of space) to go and find Earth and provide the location afterwards. However, Hailwolf has always been reluctant to obey Ozona's tasks, not really on his side, and so she has thought of staying on earth as a place to settle. She also avoids who she is to avoid any responsibility and lives in hiding, making Ozona think she died once she arrived on Earth.  Hailwolf made it to earth thanks to Ozona already having a spare teleporting device from Mollug, created by his enchanted book. Mollug can keep track of them all as nearly all Zionthor’s allies wear one for Mollug to keep track of all the allies such as locations, power activity or if they are even alive. Hailwolf knew this device was significant, and to distance herself from the mean clan, Hailwolf decided to destroy it, which concerns Mollug, even letting Ozona know about this. This disappoints Ozona, but both are to keep an open mind that it could have been wrecked on its own rather than indicating an instant death when setting foot on the legion’s planet. Back on Ozona's world, with a new planet to invade...after another world which was planned to be invaded beforehand, Ozona has his goons also known as the stono's. The race is keen to obey any master, except this race is mixed, either keen to help Ozona or forced to obey, they do have their planet but for now, live with Ozona to benefit Ozona’s rule.  One of their main roles is to form these massive chains and link them from many places around the planet. His world acts as the centre of his galaxy, and the chained world spins slowly around Ga. One long chain was made and ready to launch for the planet Sliff, and now another one is starting to get made straight away, for the Earth.     



~Chapter 3 - Footage     

Back at the base on Earth, the legion is looking through the footage, and this footage showcases the many cases of the legion fighting aliens on Earth while causing collateral damage. The public overall is stunned that this legion has been a hidden team away from the public eye for so long. All legion members are disappointed, especially after seeing the reactions from all over the Internet. Even some of the servicemen they recognise have shown their reactions on their online platform, showing their confusion about the legion is truly as safe as it seems.  Even despite many comments flooding the screen, Zammy thought he saw one of his former human bullies commenting as well.  There were some comments which are more optimistic, more curious than worried, but that couldn't overtake the flooding negativity. This makes the legion question all sorts like; how can they show their true colours. Should the legion continue to be this low-level team to fight alien beings, or become more? And so, the legion decided to have a breather of their own. Nicole is certainly not a fan of the legion right now, so she decides to have a chat with Mike on her own. Zammy is to work on his gadgets for an idea, and Pod goes out for a swim. Zammy after being humiliated thought that to be less mocked, he should be more intimidating, and so he aims to make his gadgets convert the lightning to be more powerful. This makes him ego-driven to the point where he scares Arvin out of the room, and considers going to find Pod, who has already dived deep in the sea. Nicole has made it to Mike, having a chat with him, seeing if Nicole should reveal her childhood history with the legion, and Mike recommends not to. He too had a rough childhood, mainly growing up in an area full of crime in which he did get involved, and it is revealed resulted in him struggling to get work until he finally got into the army. If Nicole mentions her history with the legion, this could put them off Nicole, they need to get used to the same leadership optimism and even focus on the present which should get the legion back on track.  With this, Nicole plans not to mention anything to the legion and thank Mike. Whoever revealed this footage is considered to be a plan, alongside the base finding this out too. On the other hand, there might be another mission around the corner, a better chance for the legion to get themselves out of the shadow.     




~Chapter 4 - Intruders    

After the ruckus involving the president, Retron has his medical room in the medical section of the base. Retron swings himself around, seeing that he is fully healed after one more dose of painkillers, after the Orphion battle and both his metallic legs are now a better condition, all fixed. But he is still remarkably sad, the legion took his victory, and now he is eager for another one for himself. But he does go on the Internet, and he is very glad that the legion is getting shamed. Retron's doctor does go to see Retron, wondering how he is, and the doctor can see that Retron is now able to move around instead of sitting on his devices, waiting to be whole again, well not whole enough for Retron. Retron gets himself changed, and the doctor updates him that he is all good but healing his eye is still not possible.  Retron even wonders if he could have better legs and other than his rejected idea that liquid metal could be shapeshifted or melted at a point where it gives him better legs. The president is putting on hold what could be done with the netro, only allowing simpler items to be repainted. Annoyed, Retron leaves the room, after seeing some splashing of the sea outside of his window. Meanwhile, Pod is going out of the water of the beach (a beach not far from the grasslands of the base’s land). After his long swim, something which he does find relaxing, enabling him to forget everything, being fascinated by the water. Before seeing Arvin, Retron sees Pod first, belittling Pod for being a creature of ruination, something which Retron found out thanks to researching Mike’s ‘legion information’ without any permission. This Pod finds triggering, resisting the urge to harm Retron, and even Pod strangely notices the water rising near the trident he is holding. Always has the weapon on his person, and then the water drops, wondering what happened, thinking if the trident did this. Retron sees this and leaves with a titter, leaving Pod alone, while more insecure, even seeing Arvin lightly cheering Pod up later, and now both are going back to the base. Regardless, Mike and Nicole send a notification to Zammy, Arvin and Pod using their collabtors, which are brand new wrist-based communicators that also possess holographic technology. But we would think the mission is to find who released the footage, but no, it is another mission entirely. In the legion's building, Mike briefs the legion on what their next task will be, to go and find an intruder who has come from another planet.  The legion was also told that the base would not only try and find out about the footage but also tell the Legion not to get bothered about the footage. The legion has the Awesome Atone to find possible clues of this new intruder.  To aid this, all servicemen have been notified to keep out for this intruder, even using the internet or any recording technology to find any possible clues.  This intruder is of course Hailwolf, she is trying to hide around some vegetation close to a city, making sure no one is around, and for now, no one is around. She has settled and wonders what to do next, there is somewhere where she wants to be, but a lot of thoughts and past actions are keeping her back. Before she can relax more, she is spotted by some servicemen (who have been using navigational technology to track her down cautiously). Who was in the middle of the land, so Hailwolf goes into her Haywan form and goes on the run. This makes the servicemen drive their four-by-fours across the land of the earth, Hailwolf struggles to outrun the vehicles, and so once running doesn't work, despite Hailwolf jumping around some hills and rocks, she is still caught up, with servicemen firing stun lasers at her too. Eventually, she faces the servicemen, getting them out of vehicles and knocking them out by throwing them into trees as she grabs each one via her jaws, with no death and no proper injury. She only smacks them against the cars with her claws, throwing any servicemen away via light mouth grabs and she even uses her quills for some minor injury towards the servicemen’s legs before charging at them.  She has been tasked to kill before but now she has no current ties with Ozona, She keeps the servicemen alive, and now she runs off to where there is more vegetation. This leaves the servicemen injured as they update the base both about their injuries and where the intruder is going next. Hailwolf wants her own space, not wanting to get caught or involved with anyone right now, so she had to fend them off, and who knows who she may fend off next?  But thanks to her peaceful time, the earth is still a decent resting spot for now, now she has found a more hidden area.  Afterwards, she makes her way, and goes out in the middle of nowhere, hopefully, to get herself hidden again. It looks like the earth is not going to be an easy land to hide in.  Minutes later, the legion does go and sees the servicemen, and Nicole does aid them all, with plasters and painkillers. Sadly, the servicemen didn't fully see where the alien went aside from an area of more vegetation, so the legion did pick up digitally that some residents reported a UFO sitting but, on the ground. The Haphazard Legion does go to see the public, especially as the updates seem to come from those at the Nofetti City.  Pod thought this was a bad idea, but Nicole argued that if the legion is known then why not get help from the public and show that the legion is a group of decent beings with which Pod has to go along, so off they go on foot, Even the base wonders where Hailwolf is off to next. The legion is now in the city, entering the city square (with the Awesome Atone hidden in vegetation far away to prevent the public from seeing the vehicle, Zammy is still very protective of it). In the city, the public is not pleased to see the legion and is even scared of them. Nicole tries to reassure them that they are all safe as the legion tries and asks if they have seen the intruder, but not only is this foiled by most of the residents getting spooked by Pod. No one would have seen a human-like orca ever, but it is also made worse by the fact that Zammy's main bully is around.  Remembering and belittling Zammy on the go, but thanks to inspiration from the bullies, Zammy decides to put on a façade once the bully starts pushing Zammy back. Suddenly, a scary version of himself goes to attack the bully with his blunt-arm weapons, which ends up zapping the bully shocking the public. Nicole comes to sort out the situation, stopping Zammy from any more attacks while the bully lies on the ground, having his friends go and collect him. But now the legion is seen as intimidating, making them have to leave the city and find other clues of Hailwolf. Thankfully, Arvin did look at the phone of another resident without the resident noticing and see that Hailwolf does go in the direction of the Goril forest, and so the legion has a direction, but with some humiliation along the way.     



~Chapter 5 – A breather    

As the legion tries to find Hailwolf, all the legion members get insecure. To comfort this, Zammy does try and explain, without an apology...yet, Zammy has been bullied by many when he was growing up on the earth. After all, if the bullies could be appealing by being cool despite what they hide, then Zammy could do it too. Nicole and Pod however disagree with this, stating that Zammy shouldn’t get inspired by those he is not a fan of.  Zammy tries to argue by saying that why should he put on a mask if Nicole is. Nicole gets upset from this, even nastily persuaded by Pod to admit something, and so Nicole has a think about it but ultimately refuses, thinking what Mike recommended. From this, Nicole even wonders that from everything, the legion could consider stopping this task if they are getting more and more off, even contacting Mike, wondering what to do. Mike tells them all not to let any alter ego get in the way, and to have another go.  Even Mike helps find more coordinates for the legion as he controls his drone to look at the whole Goril forest without startling Hailwolf, who is back to her normal form. Thanks to the servicemen earlier and from what the base found out, this intruder has two forms, which even surprises the legion, there has never been a being like this before. However, not much progress on who released the footage outside of browsing many public devices as well as considering suspects in the base. In the meantime, Pod is worried about being disliked by others because he is part of a race that has caused trouble, and it's like the public can see that even though they do not know Pod's history...for now. Zammy also wonders if he should use a façade for the next part of the mission, to which the others disagree, alongside Mike. After getting brought down, Zammy then tries to put on a new mindset, a bit more confidence, and not be too vicious towards anyone. Even Arvin tries to gather the legion together and get them back on track, making the legion light up a bit, and so off they go to the next destination and target. The legion now has made it to the forest, and they are looking out for Hailwolf. After some time exploring, Hailwolf is found, Nicole tells Hailwolf to halt but Hailwolf goes on the run again, going back into her Haywan form, surprising the legion as they try and run after her or try and use projectiles. The legion does work together despite the issues earlier, and they do eventually get Hailwolf to stop. At first, no fatal attacks were performed against Hailwolf but then Pod had a weird moment where he was going to throw the trident to trap her, but it ended up forming a barrier of ice which made Hailwolf stop in her tracks, and then decide to face the legion. Nicole uses her riot shield to defend Zammy from one attack from Hailwolf where she can shoot sharp fur from her own body, Arvin does get onto Hailwolf's back to distract her and Pod mainly fights Hailwolf head to head, managing to take her down despite a couple of bites. But once Pod is off, Zammy stuns Hailwolf, lightly thanks to Nicole's advice and Nicole, despite Hailwolf being somewhat resistant to lightning, then reaffirms that she will be kept alive but will be arrested back at the base. The fight ends as Arvin uses his temporary evolution to spray goo from his eyes and tangle her legs with goo, making Hailwolf still, even Pod takes the chance to take her down after a small brawl. He uses his trident to defend himself from Hailwolf’s claws and jaws and uses his brute strength to bring her to the ground thanks to Zammy and Nicole’s stun-based attacks and Arvin’s goo to keep her extra still. Hailwolf is taken straight to the base, in Nicole’s cuffs while flown in the Awesome Atone as she was encouraged to get into her other form once Nicole threatens Hailwolf with a fatal laser from her gun. This made Hailwolf extra nervous that this planet already knew that she had two forms. She is also insecure that as some planets would have seen her benefit Ozona, she feels like she is already massively disliked. Later, Mike is pleased the legion has made it, while Retron is disappointed once again, seeing this from afar, and then goes back to his business. And Mike gets back to researching who on earth released the footage, unlikely to be aliens so far.  Hailwolf is now chained to a chair at the legion building, She then realises that the legion won't harm her, it's only questioning, and it's a chance for her to have a better future afterwards. The legion then asks why she is on earth, and she replies that she was tasked to provide the location of the Earth for her leader Ozona for him to rule another planet. But then decides not to after being fed up with a life where she is causing more havoc, she has always been reluctant. After getting this answer, seeing that Ozona is after Earth for no good reason, this makes the legion considers the idea of going after Ozona themselves, using Hailwolf as a guide, which Hailwolf is happy to do. During this confrontation, Nicole does become too harsh towards Hailwolf while Pod tries to go for a nicer approach, making Pod, Zammy and Arvin unsure of Nicole again. They ask later why Nicole was like that with Hailwolf, but Nicole refuses to answer, it is another piece of her history that which she doesn't want to reveal. Since Hailwolf first met Pod, she has been scared of him the most, after all, Valas is bad news, but seeing Pod being so nice surprises her, making Pod the most approachable at this point. Plus Pod is willing to put their fighting earlier aside to focus on the next mission while also keeping an open mind to make sure Hailwolf doesn’t backstab them. Regardless, Mike is updated about this new mission, telling him via the collabtors, and the legion is all geared up again. They are ready to leave for the first alien world for them to visit, except Pod, who has visited many planets, but all for bad reasons aside from Earth.     



~Chapter 6 – Ozona gets backlash.     

Ozona is about to walk into his fortress, and then he reminisces about his past, he used to be scared, but not anymore with the power that he has now. He was after the energy he has now, he finally got it after a 'certain event', and now he has been putting up his little performance for so long. Ozona is an areon, a race who are very interested in atmospheric activity, and Ozona has always wanted to control the air and more. He was that keen, and now he has that power, enabling him to be more intimidating in front of anyone, no longer showing fear in front of anyone. But this reminiscing stops as Opasnost, one of the slashoes living locally from Giddery ambushes Ozona. These slashoes do vary slightly but Opasnost has more like green skin and a brighter coat. His duel blades are dark green around the handle and light jade around the blades. The blades of a slashoe are made up of quite a tough material, coming from crystallised gems that can be found in asteroids. While Opasnost is a very skilled fighter, with duel blades alongside the abilities of temporary invincibility and an astral form. Ozona however is way more skilled with his skills which Hailwolf does explain to the legion later. This includes abilities like telekinesis, wind gushes, force fields, a telekinetic sword and lightning. Because of Ozona’s ability to sense a change in the air, Ozona can predict most of Opasnost’s moves. Opasnost’s mate Amicu earlier noticed that Opasnost did end up following Ozona hours after Ozona and Hailwolf left the planet. Amicu was hoping Opasnost would be at home after they fetched their food from their stalls, so Amicu went after Opasnost. Throughout the fight, most of the stonos notice this. The stonos (an army that Ozona leads) are human-sized, dark cyan, with one eye and some light blue markings all around them and they are almost made up of stone. They have mace-like weapons that can charge up and release gushes of air which is either as light as a push or enough to dent metal. But Ozona tells them to stand down and get them back to work. Due to Ozona’s old age, he is using this easy foe to see how long he can fight. Ozona likes to be wise and experiment with how long he can last and which abilities to go for first before he gets worn out too soon. There are days when the stonos do talk about who they are representing. In the past, they used to aid kings on many planets, but as most of those races are either extinct or lost a lot of power to keep themselves alive they don't make themselves too imposing towards Zionthor.  Now that all stonos are with Ozona (when it used to be multiple of them benefiting many rulers at once before they all reunite in their home world) some stonos are either fully in the idea or have less of a fan when they meet Ozona straight away or dislike Ozona more as they get to know Ozona more. That is when some stonos do bicker, wondering if it is worth staying with Ozona, finding another ruler or becoming more of an independent race. But every time they talk about this subject, it goes back to all having to stay with Ozona, especially as Ozona keeps them on their feet very often to perform tasks such as setting up chains or keeping an eye on planets Ozona is ruling. As Ozona does give the stonos privacy from time to time, it’s this privacy which makes Ozona unaware of these conversations. But he thinks he has a good grip at a point where no stono shall leave him, making them stay in fear. There have been cases where when Ozona has other opponents who want to fight him, he tends to be worn out depending on how tricky the opponent is. In this case, Opasnost is fast and has the ability of temporary invincibility which Ozona is not only quite preoccupied but trying to hurt Opasnost is tricky. Opasnost does his best to swing his blades at Ozona, but Ozona counters these by using telekinesis to make Ozona over-swing his blades, using simple martial arts to counter the other blade swings. Not to mention Ozona had a blade too which he often controls telekinetically which challenges Opasnost, keeping him away from Ozona. Eventually, Opasnost loses both blades as Ozona starts to get worn out, and so performs a lightning strike from his hands to get rid of both blades from Opasnost. Ozona then grabs Opasnost still using the telekinesis and then goes to try and zap Opasnost despite having his temporary invincibility up, seeing how long Opasnost could last. Some stonos do watch this, with some never seeing Ozona fight before, seeing why Ozona should be followed. It gets to a point where Opasnost is determined but ultimately loses, and survives because his mate Amicu stops the fight. Amicu apologises and removes Opasnost from the planet which Ozona just about agrees with, considering it as a peace offering, and Ozona does like his peace. Ozona will certainly kill Opasnost if Opasnost appears on Ozona's land again, Zionthor is not the only one who gets intruders on his turf. With the fight done, Ozona makes his way to the castle, to keep tabs on the worlds he is ruling via projection technology, making sure all his worlds  remain as restrictive as he likes. Opasnost tried to kill Ozona so he could be free, mainly to leave the planet and explore for more competition, to fight other alien races, but this is what Ozona has forbidden on all planets.    



~Chapter 7 – Entering planet Ga    

In the Awesome Atone, before getting to the important stuff, Nicole contacts Dyon, letting him know that if the legion is about to head into a corner, then Dyon would be a great help, but at the same time aware that Dyon is still diminishing Zionthor’s allies. As well as getting to know what Ozona is like such as his experience and the abilities such as his telekinetic sword, telekinesis, lightning production and force fields, his race is powerful to obtain such power. Hailwolf also takes the chance to explain how Hailwolf got mixed with Ozona in the first place. Hailwolf explains what race she is, one type of race that used to help the galaxy via combat, but this tradition was discontinued after finding out that Zionthor is after those who continue to use combat. Ozona is alone however race-wise, and this is where Hailwolf explains what the stonos are, beings who aid Ozona with taking over planets. This adds to Ozona’s little empire such as the massive chains that get launched to grab planets. Hailwolf however has sensed that some of the stonos haven’t been as fully into the cause as others, meaning if the stonos attack, they would be worth killing, but the more hesitant ones only require a takedown. This is a race which wants to represent and aid a good leader but seeing how restrictive Ozona can be, has made them more hesitant than ever. So many races like the pnumians don't get themselves into fighting to keep their race alive. Hailwolf however tried to continue the old tradition by making her learn to combat herself, both in her normal form and mainly in her animalistic form. Sadly, she was caught, and this did gain attraction as Ekron spotted Hailwolf one day when he was on one of his ‘planet spying tasks’ and reported this to Zionthor and then Ozona. Ozona considers linking the pneumian's planet via a massive chain and considers getting rid of most of the race, but Hailwolf offers to be an assistant to Ozona instead to save the lives of the others, knowing she might be better off the planet, thinking her race no longer wants her around. This may have been the case considering Ozona reveals himself in front of other pneumians that the race is in trouble, and it was Hailwolf’s fault considering her practice which had been going on for months. When the chain landed on the planet, the stonos around gathered the pneumians, using some rough force, no killing, the killing part was considered until Hailwolf offered herself to be an ally for Ozona. This makes Ozona spare the pnumians but nowhere days they are kept a closer eye on by Ozona, the stonos and even other allies of Zionthor. Ozona was mainly happy with his army and even Valas as a right-hand ally, but getting another ally nearly made Ozona consider getting his legion of allies with mixed abilities. Once Ozona got hold of Hailwolf, gripping her via telekinesis, taking her via the chain and out of the planet, the rest of the pneumians are then left alone but will have often visits from the stonos and perhaps Ozona himself as he manages multiple planets. The legion after hearing this thinks Hailwolf shouldn't have this mind-set and that her race would want her back, the race may need protecting after all. Once you show that you are protecting others, it is often the easiest way to help others move on. While Hailwolf disagrees, she still thinks that the legion seems okay so far, how they handle foes and seeing what the legion is like when they are not fighting. This makes her drawn to them more, something which Zammy reconsider how he presents himself. As Pod sees that sharing history is helping this situation regardless of what Nicole thinks, Pod shares about how he used to be led by a cruel leader, with which Hailwolf can empathise. They compare each other’s experiences such as how Ozona was restrictive to what Hailwolf can do during her spare time and Pod talks about how he has been pushed around all the time for when needing to get anything done. After asking more about Mechajaw such as how Mechajaw was very animalistic, especially towards those who were smarter than him, Hailwolf responds that Ozona is mainly sly. But Ozona has had moments of silence, making Hailwolf wonder if this grand being is putting on an image, and even Ozona threatens Hailwolf if she ends up staring at Ozona for his odd behaviour. And so, after a chat, Hailwolf guides piloting Zammy to go under the water (the Awesome Atone can adapt to space as well as water), thanks to Zammy’s upgrades. And with the Awesome Atone adapted to space, Zammy and some specialists at the base created space suits for the legion if they ever get to an uninhabitable planet. But like any other planet, they end up in, they make sure that the air is good via holographic technology, but both that and Hailwolf state that it’s safe to breathe. The vehicle goes into a cove, It is a recommended shortcut by Hailwolf so the legion can get to Ozona via a sneakier route, but Hailwolf didn't know Ozona has another ability too. Ozona earlier sensed atmospheric activity, this is where Ozona sent Valas down to where the atmospheric activity took place, diving quickly into the water.  Ozona is confident Valas will sort out another intruder while Ozona keeps an eye on the production of the new chain. He is waiting for his destination to invade the planet Sliff using his castle’s holographic projections to keep an eye on all the planets he is ruling via camera feeds. Speaking of Valas, Hailwolf mentioned Valas to the legion earlier, being shocked that another morfil was around, this made Pod look back and see why Hailwolf was scared of him at first. This makes Pod consider that no other morfil so far has been on the right path, bothering him more, but at least there is an alright start with Hailwolf. Due to how unpredictable the cove is, the Awesome Atone is accidentally knocked into a top part of a cavern and is slowly going down, the Awesome Atone is broken, how will they get out? Zammy immediately knows that the ship needs fixing, but unfortunately, they all get cornered and wrapped in seaweed by tengers, crab-like creatures which have more normal arms and legs compared to a normal crab. With everyone wrapped in seaweed, the legion is all hanged upside down, not even Hailwolf recognises these. Even Nicole states to the legion to stand down, it seems like a misunderstanding so far, there is no need to attack. The tengers are creatures that used to own Ozona's planet, it was mostly water up until Ozona and his hired goons of stono's got rid of the water and tried to wipe away the tengers. Considering they once possessed something very valuable, and now there are some survivors, eating seaweed and running on one star as permanent heat. Most of them died when Ozona got his stonos did started to alter the planet, but most of the tengers survived by going to the core of the planet. So deep in the water, the stonos won't risk it, tengers are far more adapted to the deep water compared to other creatures in the universe. The cavern they are in now is part of the core, from how the water travels around the planet, the water hardly enters this deep cove. The legion after hearing this later does clarify that they want to take down Ozona, freeing anyone in his grasp.  This makes the tengers drawn to the legion, even seeing this without any fake ego around, the tengers no longer see the legion as a threat. And so, the seaweed is undone, and the tengers will help fix the Awesome Atone, alongside eating and chatting, the tengers do seem keen on everyone, except Pod. They know from legends what morfils are like alongside a nearby neighbour making a bad impression, Pod could tell, and they aren’t impressed. As this goes on, Pod leaves his trident aside, and one tenger gets curious about it, and Pod once again gets defensive and snatches the trident away from the tenger. The tenger gets scared and the other tengers start getting put off by Pod and then the rest of the legion. The tengers all gather and get the legion to leave, with Pod squandering this potential connection, the legion decides to leave them, Ozona is a priority. This leaves only the legion to fix the Awesome Atone alone, slowing down the progress, and the tengers all run and hide away, making the legion disappointed in Pod, and Pod shows a side to him that he thought was not around anymore. This does make the legion angry towards Pod, he has shown a side to him that wasn't true, and Pod can only look at himself in shame, he cannot compare himself to Zammy or Nicole. But when things couldn't get worse, Valas comes around, shocking everyone including Pod.     



~Chapter 8 – Invading the latest planet    

On the planet Sliff, live the Du-ui, basically beings like snakes but with arms, a world which is full of sports, warm weather, wide sees and buildings with small gaps to them. Their normal day however is about to get badly disrupted, a massive chain is coming from the sky, hitting into the ocean (which is no problem thanks to the roxi serpents and that the stonos can swim), puzzling many of the Du-ui there. As the chain lands, it all plays out in similar ways as explained by Hailwolf, stonos start rushing there on foot or via the Roxi serpents. Ozona also comes along as he uses telekinesis to hover from place to place, hovering on a piece of debris  However, unlike past cases, the number of reluctant stonos has increased, with more starting to see Ozona's plans as too far or too horrid. More races are losing their free will and extra measures have to be performed if these snake beings start to get into martial arts which they have tried to be secretive about to hopefully defend others or themselves considering how many planets are still getting harmed. These Du-ui like to watch planets via enhanced telescopes and often the fighting can be noticeable enough even from a distance.  It was one of Zionthor's allies who had been spying from one planet to the next, seeing if other races had attempted to act as fighting vigilantes just like the legion and many other beings, and it's those who get reported to Zionthor and then the race gets attacked. Ozona however mainly rules over races that were once peaceful or at least not too concerning, but these Du-ui have tried to research the many forms of martial arts coming from many alien races. But what not many races do not know however is that it was Zionthor's race which had originated most forms of martial arts, and they have been spread around via other races which does not make Zionthor happy. Even some powerful entities who used to exist spread words of the fighting styles too, even some talked about how they saw Zionthor’s race fight before and how impressive they seemed, adding to why only he wants to possess the knowledge of fighting. Regardless, most stonos fight the Du-ui which are more hostile while the more defective stonos, only help gather the Du-ui in one spot for Ozona to speak to them all about the new way they will be living their lives. With a new addition of having some stonos who watch the planet just so they can see if a planet is running peacefully or not. As Ozona hovers, some Du-ui try and fight him up close, but he either zaps the Du-ui minorly, uses his force fields to defend himself or uses telekinesis to move any Du-ui aside. These Du-ui have no weapons and no proper abilities aside from slithering quickly and they can punch quickly, but what they can do has nothing on Ozona or the stonos. The stonos may have basic fighting skills but they can use their maces to gush air, winning a lot of fights. All the Du-ui have now gathered on a spot, for Ozona to have his speech about how his planet is now his alongside others, scaring the Du-ui, but as long as they behave, they'll be fine, which can be the tensest feeling ever. With another planet for Ozona to play 'politics' with on his own, and so Ozona and most of the stonos get back to their planet, with none of the stonos getting hurt, it was another successful planet takeover, the ninth one to be precise. Ozona has been doing this since a ‘certain event’ took place, the chains and transporting do take a while after all, not to mention going for certain planets after seeing what they are like. While Ozona has finished invading this land, not only does Mollug remind Ozona via a communication spell that Zionthor would like to see him soon but Mollug states to Ozona that Hailwolf might have died, got captured or something else because her teleporting device has broken. This puzzles Ozona, but he will make his way to Earth anyway, even with less of an idea for where the Earth could be, but he at least has a whole army to help with that, he nearly asks Mollug but Mollug leaves the call, and Zionthor’s goons are busier now they need to keep Zionthor’s reputation up.    



~Chapter 9 - Valas    

As the legion tries and fix the Awesome Atone by replacing parts of the engine (thanks to keeping spare engine parts), something starts coming out of one of the water tunnels, another morfil gushes out of it, shocking everyone. As they see Valas, Hailwolf talks about how that is Valas, Ozona’s morfil, Valas is seen coming towards the legion and the Awesome Atone. He even sees the tengers from afar, shocking him as he thought all the tengers were gone, he took part in their slaughter after all. And so Valas causes some madness, he recognises the legion from past descriptions, the likes of him and Ozona have been told via exchanges from Zionthor and his other allies in the past what this legion looks like. He also sees that Hailwolf has turned her back on Ozona, making him angry, and keen to go for her as his main target. Valas then confronts the legion, plus after seeing a glimpse of Pod’s trident power, even after seeing a morfil which he thinks is on the wrong side, Valas fights off the legion and gets hold of the trident from Pod, and Valas manages to put all the tengers into a single ice block. The legion continues to be puzzled after the ice wall that stopped Hailwolf, never knowing the trident could do these things. Pod despite knowing about these minor qualities of the trident is also shocked, now Valas is going to try and fight the legion, swinging the trident, making the legion avoid a wave of fire by ducking, the trident can produce fire too. Nicole and Zammy remain distant while Pod, Hailwolf and Arvin fight Valas up close. As another morfil who has been misled, Pod is eager to keep Valas alive, and try and get him to turn. Pod tries to keep Valas intact, preventing Valas from using the trident, and he manages to unlock more of the trident's power due to being familiar with energy-absorbing devices especially as Ozona bears one, knowing devices like these require a certain mindset. Valas ends up dropping the trident after trying to use it again, It mildly burnt him once and it did so again, making his hand both freeze and burn, angering him further. Even at a point where Hailwolf tried to stop Valas from attacking by keeping one of his arms towards the ground, Valas ends up flipping Hailwolf upwards, biting one of her back legs and then throwing Hailwolf, making Hailwolf go back to her original form where her leg shares the same injury. Nicole goes to Hailwolf to aid her, making Zammy act as the primary long-range fighter. With Hailwolf as Valas’s primary target, the others prevent Valas from doing any other harm against Hailwolf. Arvin too struggles to restrain Valas using his tentacles spawned from his back using his evolution-based abilities. Even Valas swings himself to land on Arvin, hurting Arvin, but Arvin uses his other tentacles from his temporary evolution to soften his landing. Due to Valas acting in an animalistic way, Arvin is told to try and help break the tengers from the ice, Arvin can break the ice using his temporarily evolved claws, nearly breaking the Tenger’s free. The rest of the fight plays out as Pod uses his martial arts without the trident, trying to calm Valas down, countering every punch thrown at him without hurting Valas back, trying to explain that he cannot act like this anymore, even Pod tells Zammy to stop trying to stun Valas. Near the edge, Valas tricks Pod into falling for Pod’s words, but Valas manages to use his frozen hand to form a blade, Nicole sees this and then fires her grenade launcher in Valas’s mouth, killing him and he falls disappointing and shocking Pod. The tengers are pleased and are free now the ice is gone, after all, whoever casts any ability goes alongside the effects of their abilities, and no dead being can continue anything supernatural. The tengers are very pleased with the legion, however, while Pod is accepted more so, he is still sad about the legion's actions to get rid of another morfil that has suffered. Even Zammy goes to chat with Pod to try and cheer him up, especially now the tengers seem to be into Pod despite being a morfil himself. Even Nicole as she aids Hailwolf both do have a nice moment, and Nicole for once admits a part of her history on how she wanted to work at a hospital, and those skills she still has despite never working in a hospital. Pod does overhear this, and wonders about Nicole in a slightly negative way, she is revealing part of her history in front of a stranger, not one of her closest friends. Finally, Hailwolf helps defeat Valas with full intention, this further confirms how much Hailwolf is against the fraction she was enslaved to, making the trust with her more solid, even though Hailwolf was always nice to the tengers she just met. Zammy still thinks that Nicole revealing her history with someone is a good step for Nicole, but Pod still disagrees.  Whilst Pod is sombre about Nicole and Valas, this is where the legion also wonders about Pod’s trident’s abilities. Pod unenthusiastically said that it has happened before but not to this degree. But thanks to Valas reaching into it, this could mean Pod can do more than swing a trident around. The tengers offer tips, and the legion is more excited with more power on their side. The legion was focused on arresting Hailwolf earlier hence why they asked now, whilst everything is calm despite needing to fix the Awesome Atone quickly.  




~Chapter 10 – The Return of Dyon    

Dyon is in the world of the Noozles, simply called ‘Noozle land’, the Noozles are small dark blue creatures with trunks and dragon wings. Dyon has been going from one Zionthor goon to the next, really shrinking the alliance. Dyon is now up against Kyborgi, someone who can turn into a ball and can move around very quickly. He can even turn speed into a former of energy that can be blasted and even able to spin around objects to throw any debris around the area. Dyon while making sure no debris hits the Noozles alongside other wildlife, but despite getting hit by the superspeed-like energy, Dyon defeats yet another ally of Zionthor. But Dyon sees that the legion is about to go to Ozona, and so Dyon is trying to decide between Zionthor goons alongside other issues like earthquakes and crimes across other worlds. Dyon also thought that by making his way to the legion, the legion might have an upper hand against Ozona already seeing how powerful he is. Dyon has been waiting to take Ozona for a long time, not as active as other villains but Ozona is still not good news, his empire of restriction must end someday. As well as diminishing Zionthor’s forces, Dyon has allied with a machine-generating race to form multiple satellites to place on many if not all planets for Dyon to keep tabs on multiple planets, able to help planets that are devoid of technology.  This race is Mechanams, rat-like but bigger, with massive flexible hands and wearing a lot of flammable protection around them, and working in large numbers enables them to make all sorts of machinery for many races. But they do try and stay under the radar just in case they are a threat against Zionthor, no one knows how to avoid Zionthor’s list nowadays. After all, he needs any recording technology to help identify threats more specifically, but he can only place those satellites in his spare time which there is little of.    

~Chapter 11 – Mike and the Mystery    

Back at the base, Mike and his servicemen start to see some progress with who released the footage, and Mike considers going through a spare laptop in the base near the medical room, it is Retron's, and it turns out he hired some editors alongside his vision to craft his propaganda. After finding this out, Mike goes to confront Retron, Retron has been looking more into the history of the legion, which is part of Mike's private files. Retron does feel off when he sees that Mike does have Retron's laptop, and Mike also sees that Retron is to reveal even more about the legion members, releasing their various and controversial history. Mike managed to get hold of Retron’s laptop by going through his room’s security. Mike tries to threaten Retron with what Retron is trying to do, reporting this to the president, but Retron tries to threaten Mike by stating that the legion has been troubled at a point where the president would want to know. Mike can now get onto other aspects, stop the servicemen's current footage-releasing task, and go and find more backing so he can tell off Retron to the president in a way that overpowers Retron's excuse. Mike already knows why Retron would do something like this, Retron is eager for his glory days, struggling to accept that the legion can counter more threats than anyone else. Mike tries to make Retron see that Retron’s perspective is flawed, but Retron doesn’t get hindered, he thinks he knows what is best for the earth, and the legion is not that, especially if it's causing the public to be concerned. While Mike leaves Retron, Retron then has a look at the legion building after sitting for some time, making sure Mike is heading that way, and so he goes there for a neat surprise for the legion.    



~Chapter 12 – The canyon    

The chain's progress is nearly done, but it cannot launch without coordinates, and Ozona starts to think that Hailwolf is either dead or abandoned the mission, even Mollug after using the communication spell believes that Hailwolf has gotten rid of her teleporting device as his magic book cannot state her current location. Ozona also tries to use the communication spell to chat with Valas but there is no response, thinking that a clan like the legion would perform such as feat. Now Ozona will pay attention to the air around the planet to hopefully catch them before they could ambush him. After chatting with Mollug via the communication spell, Ozona is then to have a quick chat with Zionthor, using the communication spell once again. Both of them ask how each other are and what their status quo is like, but on the other hand, Zionthor asks for Ozona's power, one of the types of energy that Zionthor requires. Ozona refuses because Zionthor could lose it if he isn't careful, so Ozona recommends Zionthor focus on finding the other forms of energy first before finishing it off with Ozona's power. Ozona is not the vicious monster without this power, he would make him seem weak and more. Zionthor for now understands this and tries to be patient, considering Ozona is very old, Zionthor believes he won’t have to wait long. Both of them do get on despite Ozona having a form of energy that doesn’t make the friendship as solid as it should be, not as good as it was before. Back to the legion, the Awesome Atone is now fixed thanks to the tengers, the tengers were asked to join. But they decline and do trust the legion to help not only against Ozona but other planets too, and so the legion is off.  Both groups wonder when they’ll see each other again, and both think it won’t be until a very long time, perhaps when all the madness is done. The tengers helped with the engine earlier by passing the parts one by one whilst the legion kept the other parts up to fix the engine which was deeper in the ship. Before the legion leaves, the tengers provide a good cheer for the legion, This certainly makes Zammy happy, especially as one tenger shows intrigue in Zammy’s true personality, wondering more about him, and this encourages Zammy to be more of himself. On top of that, as the trident has shown signs of the power mixing fire, ice and water, the tengers provide some quick tips, while the power is now out. The tengers explain that the trident will help direct the energy as the energy will somewhat connect with his mind after some concentration. Pod starts to see some progress, able to control small parts of water within the cove, but the tengers say that if he wants to produce more power, it requires more concentration and practice. Pod will perform some while on their way to Ozona inside the Awesome Atone. The legion is then guided by Hailwolf to go through the canyon (and Hailwolf remains as a good guide when the trip gets harder), staying in the low and hidden ground to which they think Ozona won't see them coming. However, after a good few quick moments with the tengers, Pod goes on a rant about how the tengers are probably better to settle with compared to humans. Nicole strongly disagrees with this, stating that Pod can have another chance with humans, they just need to be convinced in the right way, but Pod wonders how she can provide advice if Nicole is so secretive, What does she understand about convincing anyone of anything? But this exchange is also cut short as the legion looks behind them and sees that the stonos have arrived on their roxi serpents, managing to find the legion as Ozona updates them that Ozona sensed the craft exiting via one of the secret coves that leads to the underground. Despite the trouble among some of the legion members, they start to focus on the task at hand while also keeping in mind how hectic the canyon is. Zammy pilots, Arvin has the top turret, Nicole has the right turret and Hailwolf has the left turret. Nicole was about to order Pod to act as the outside vehicle protector, to which Pod exits the vehicle before Nicole finishes the order, showing how distant Pod and Nicole have been.  And so thanks to the tenger’s advice, Pod attempts to have a go with the trident while primarily using his physical skills like swimming through the river and bouncing on any of the rocky structures throughout the canyon. Twelve stonos are chasing them, and only three have been shot down by the turrets, Nicole and Arvin are good shots thanks to their experience but Hailwolf is struggling, up until there is one stono who tries to bump into the Awesome Atone from the side. But Hailwolf then fires her turret with decent aiming and manages to shoot both the stono and the roxi serpent, making Hailwolf pleased with herself, and even Nicole compliments her. Meanwhile, Zammy flies from one rocky area to the next, skidding the water, turning upside down and performing occasional speed boosts to avoid any falling structures which the stonos cause using her projectiles. This makes Zammy pleased with himself considering this is some of the trickiest piloting he ever had to perform, and this gives Zammy time to reflect on who he is. He is already good, and one good about him is that he is a good pilot, and everyone trusts Zammy’s piloting, making him even happier. Even Zammy at one point makes the Awesome Atone go sideways so that Nicole and Arvin can shoot multiple stonos at once. Finally, Pod manages to use the trident, he produces fire to one nearby stono and roxi serpent, and he uses water to give himself a speed boost upwards to catch up with the Awesome Atone. He even throws an ice block towards one other stono and roxi serpent and then Pod freezes the final stono and roxi serpent using the power of ice too. They have all made it, the canyon dogfight starts to calm down, and the fighting also ends, and Zammy opens the back of the vehicle so that Pod jumps back on. Both he and the others seem to like these new abilities, Pod is excited to learn about them, even practising with the power again once he sits down, wondering how to fight Ozona later. But due to the argument earlier, everyone stays quiet despite sharing how they are all pleased now they have made it. The fight is over, and Ozona is nearly at their doorstep, making everyone worn out and nervous. And so Ozona feels the legion coming via the incoming breezes of the air going through his hands, and so he uses his telekinesis to drag the Awesome Atone quickly to him and yanks out the legion all too. Afterwards, he controls gravity to keep the legion against the ground and in front of Ozona, surrounded by stonos with their weapons up, as well as the Awesome Atone which somersaulted across the land. All are worried and scared, especially Hailwolf, and so now the legion is in front of Ozona, Ozona threatens Zammy's life for the location. As Ozona threatens the legion, as said by Hailwolf earlier, Ozona also has an alter ego that is often overlapped by another. When Ozona presents himself as a godly being, Ozona deep down is scared to lose his power, so Nicole taunts Ozona about how Ozona’s reign will be cut short. Ozona tries not to overreact, trying to stay calm, trying to hide his true self despite nearly everyone seeing through him, making the likes of Zammy see how puzzling it can be to have an alter ego and how it can mess with anyone’s image.  This makes Zammy realise he can no longer present himself as threatening to anyone, even making him regret confronting his bully earlier, and Ozona’s overlapping personality is still enough to send chills down the spines of all of them, even scaring a few stonos too as he demands the location of earth. Sadly, Hailwolf ends up giving it away once Zammy gets zapped by Ozona after Zammy is dragged closer to Ozona via telekinesis. Hailwolf after being a reluctant killer for some time doesn’t want anyone else to die in her hands, something which she whispers to the others, but they are not impressed. Happy with the location, Ozona promises to spare them earlier, only to gaslight them by zapping them all, to kill them, even considering adding debris and pressure to finish them off, but Dyon comes quickly, just in time. The legion despite being zapped tries to escape from Ozona despite being in pain and some of the stono's preoccupied with Dyon's power, especially with the spraying machine guns and missiles. The legion runs and runs to where the Awesome Atone is, some of the other stonos try and follow them whilst firing. Dyon continued to fire his missiles and lasers around the area, firing at the surrounding stonos, and Ozona had to block the fire using his force field ability. As Zammy is zapped the most, he struggles to move the most, so Hailwolf goes into her Haywan form and begins to carry Zammy on her back. The legion continues to run, and Dyon starts to fight Ozona, the stono’s however, the ones trying to attack are taken down by the legion whether up close or from a distance or by Dyon’s long-range attacks. In some cases, Dyon knocks some stonos via speed boosts alongside his body weight. The stonos that are conflicted however leave the fight, aiming to hide, and due to how busy everyone else is, they don’t see the bailing stonos. Dyon does get shot a couple of times, getting to his systems and the legion is also getting fired at too, with Nicole, Arvin and Pod using their long-range attacks to fire back at the stonos to give themselves more space. Even some continued to jump in front of the legion, only to get whacked out of the way once their attacks were countered such as Pod swinging his trident. Nicole also uses her riot shield to push some stonos aside and even Hailwolf claws any stonos nearby whilst keeping Zammy on her back. In the end, the legion does make it, and thanks to the Awesome Atone’s strong armour (it was repainted whilst containing some melted netro). This is something which Dyon has been fine with, most of the earth has done this with all sorts of items as advised by Dyon himself, a word which has spread throughout the public, something which the president helped facilitate. While the Awesome Atone zooms off, disappointing Ozona, Ozona keeps his full focus on Dyon, even when the flooding starts to round up, filling the whole lower area, and keeping the stonos away. Overtime, Dyon has been consistently firing at Ozona while also trying to speed boosts towards Ozona, at first, Ozona keeps up his force field, but due to his age and how tough Dyon is, Ozona not only struggles but he starts to get worn out. Ozona started with his simpler tricks, keeping his shield up, trying to lead Dyon’s speed boosts into various vertical surfaces and even using his telekinesis to throw various debris at Dyon. Ozona also knows not to use his sword here, he knows it cannot overcome netro, it is only made up of a simple metal from his race. But as Dyon has put his weight to a maximum, this makes the debris do very little as Ozona gathers all of this debris, from the spare environment, most of it is a custom sandstone after all, all done up by the stono’s to cover the world of water.  Ozona is running out of options, and now Ozona uses his most powerful trick, which will wear him out the most, producing lightning from both his hands and the sky, even thanks to some metallic structures around the castle. This enables Ozona to multiply the lightning and come from various directions zapping Dyon to no end, Dyon knows he cannot go on, and so before shutting down too severely. He decides to shut himself off while also seeing most of his abilities have gone, he kneels, all still, with no movement whatsoever. As the stonos try to fire at the legion using the pump blasts from their maces, one of them hits Pod's legs which makes him fall over as the legion starts to make it to the Awesome Atone. Nicole then tries to help get Pod up, Hailwolf gets Zammy into the Awesome Atone and Arvin gets the Awesome Atone into drone mode. Pod demands that if they are to escape quickly then he will offer to leave himself behind, and he even has an idea to flood the area around them as he concentrates the use of the trident, defending himself and letting the legion get going, shocking Ozona but he keeps his focus on Dyon, who also kept firing at the stonos that were hindering the legion as well as fighting Ozona. The legion did have to carry Zammy because he not only took the most damage from Ozona's lightning but something strange starts to happen to him, no explanation, but the Awesome Atone via drone mode does start to leave the ground as Pod floods the area, allowing him to escape and fend off any stonos, but in a way which hinders them and not kills them, as the water gushes from the ground and the surroundings.  With Dyon defeated, Ozona carries Dyon via telekinesis and drops him, falling into the water, water which had been added no thanks to Pod's flooding, Pod whilst swimming even sees Dyon's body float downwards and so grabs hold of it, knowing where to go next.     



~Chapter 13 – Back round to earth    

Back at the Awesome Atone, Zammy is resting on a new soft bed within the vehicle while recovering. Nicole is still annoyed with Hailwolf because the Earth is now at risk and so the Awesome Atone is speeding to Earth as quickly as possible, thanks to one of the Earth's innovations of light speed. Hailwolf does try and apologise, thinking of it as a heroic moment, but only to realise that she has got a whole world in danger, Now those bad feelings have all come back, and all she thinks she can do is run away after letting entire fractions down.  Hailwolf admits this, and she states about leaving, but Arvin encourages her to stay, holding her hand while making his soft animalistic calls. On top of that, Nicole was also disappointed that Hailwolf didn’t know about Ozona’s prediction of the craft, which Hailwolf generally didn’t know about. Hailwolf also explains what she has sensed from Ozona, and sensing the air is not the most blatant action from Ozona. Nicole however doesn’t know what to say, but that feeling of letting down is what she can relate to, so she keeps Hailwolf nearby, knowing both of them do have the chance to make up. The legion has arrived at the base as the Awesome Atone lands thanks to drone mode, Mike sees them, and they all go inside the legion building.  Mike after being told instantly that the earth is in danger, and so the servicemen are all given a code red and all get ready for another attack, but they all don't know where the strike will take place, so they need to keep an open mind about it. However, Retron has set some traps that zap everyone in the legion building after discovering that Zammy seems to absorb all that Ozona provided to Zammy, and we would say provide because Zammy looks like he is producing more powerful-looking lightning. Everyone is now physically stunned, and it was done because of Retron, Retron overhears that this was the legion's fault as he was sneaking near the landing Awesome Atone, and so he will get the next victory for himself, and with the legion lying down on the ground. The legion was barely walking after the run from earlier as well as the zapping from Ozona. Whilst they are all on the floor of the legion building, they all crawl to one of the cupboards where they can get hold of painkillers. Retron takes over the next mission as he leads the servicemen, alongside releasing more controversial information about the legion, slowly uploading while he locks the legion inside their building. Ozona's new chain is completed and is about to hit the city of Earth, thanks to the coordinates and other details like the name of the galaxy to find out where the Earth is.  With this new chain around, the light-speed tunnel is activated, and the stono's are about to enter earth and diminish any security there so Ozona can rule that world with another iron fist.  Ozona however is still worn out fighting a titan as powerful as Dyon, and now Ozona needs some rest, letting all the stonos get going as they all head to fight Earth. Ozona will use the communication spell to keep tabs on every single stono, he will join once he is ready to go, and it shouldn’t take long. The servicemen all crowd around the city considering where the attacks are happening, and the servicemen are so far at a big disadvantage. All through servicemen are getting fired at and attacked up close with little control, making the servicemen either go for cover to try and hold back the stonos and even their roxi serpents which act as air cover, and they act as charging bulls with no projectiles. These roxi serpents are no less a target and these stonos who do occur from the top of the chain, see and tell Ozona via the communication spell that the base is what is providing the security for the whole world. They tell Ozona this as they see other servicemen leave the base alongside vehicles like the servicemen crafts and the four-by-fours start to come too. Some servicemen were sent ahead of time as they wondered where this chain would land, but some were already in the city. Back at the base, the legion is all trying to get up, but thanks to a vehicle notification, the Awesome Atone's air technology has been damaged by Retron, he not only had time to do this while the legion was unconscious but he disabled the flying because by wrecking the whole vehicle. He would have been more guilty, if he managed to do it without any CCTV spotting him, now how will the clan get to the battle? The legion still needs time to recover first, and they chat as they try and get going. Not to mention they even manage to contact Pod thanks to using their collabtors, a holographic phone call, Pod has made it and also has Dyon's body as he goes back up to the surface with the tengers in the coves. While everyone is uncertain, Nicole has an idea, use the tenger's star to revive Dyon and find a way to attack the planet, after hearing the city attack, the Awesome Atone must go on wheels to help. Pod nearly refuses at first, but as the planning persists, to the shock of all including Mike, Nicole admits her controversial history. Pod was about to go on a rant on how these tengers despite a couple of minutes had been more open than Nicole, Nicole had to quickly win over Pod somehow, Pod needed to help all races, not just the tengers. According to Nicole, she was responsible for an accident when she was getting revenge on a bully of her own, and she ended up a young offenders for most of her life. Until Mike looks at her ancestor's history and sees potential in her being a much better person to fight for the right reason and also making her realise how to perform more moral actions. This is part of what she didn't want to reveal, and the legion not only understands this but also sees why she didn't want to reveal it in the first place, this does get everyone on the right foot, and the openness revives a sense of trust. To avoid Ozona's mistakes, the legion will fight without a facade, being honest as they help the residents, not ashamed to hide anything, but acknowledge everything. Mike was about to tell Nicole to not talk about it, but as the legion opened to her more including Pod via a call using the collabtor, Nicole showed that she has been keeping something that has been holding in for so long. It was a relief for her, and perhaps Mike could do the same, seeing potential in revealing a certain history and in the right way too. Not to mention Mike states that Retron not only wants the city battle to be his success as he wins but he has released more about the legion, including Nicole's history, and so all the legion can do now is be decent heroes. They know that they have to prioritise the fight at the city rather than trying to beat the release of information which would be around by now, and they get the Awesome Atone going...on wheels, opening the garage part of the legion building and leave the base’s land as fast as possible. Meanwhile, on Ozona's planet, Dyon starts to get better after being revived from the star, and Pod wonders what to do, he has an idea to flood the planet, but he also has second thoughts because of him being a morfil, a race that has caused a lot of destruction. But Dyon reminds Pod that netrobots were also a race of destruction, and Dyon's more significant actions allowed Dyon to redefine what netrobots should have been, especially presented by Dyon and even Zemion. Pod intakes this and so both of them come up with a plan, Pod will flood Ozona's planet all over and Dyon will destroy the chains and even help either Pod or the legion. Dyon for so long has been busy with all of these Zionthor goons to the point where he had lost time to get rid of Ozona's reign but now is a good time. Even both agree that while the stono's should be spared, those who attack and are fully into Ozona are the ones that sadly have to go. If anyone is willing to kill the legion, sometimes it’s a kill-or-be-killed situation. As Pod and Dyon advance, Pod even takes the chance to ask if Dyon had sorted out the morfils before, and whilst Dyon admits that he remembers fighting an army of them a hundred years ago, he had fought them from time to time. But sometimes they can be well hidden and pose threats sparingly compared to other dangerous races. Pod after hearing this has a few ideas for what to do once Ozona and many others are out of the way. Even Dyon will try and prioritise sorting out Mechajaw and the morfils someday, knowing they don’t seem the change, but now, both of them have a big task ahead of them. More servicemen have arrived in the city as the stonos start to advance in bigger numbers, running down the chain. This is Nofetti City, and it is well known for its square which the legion visited, so getting destroyed already made some residents sad alongside being scared. The residents try and hide in buildings and other hidden areas to avoid the fire. There had been some destruction like falling rubble and fired shots which accidentally caused some resident deaths despite the stonos being tasked to avoid them. But like any battle, you may have your primary targets but that doesn’t mean that no one else can get hurt. As ordered by Ozona, they only fight the servicemen, alongside some dim-witted residents who try and fight them. The servicemen do the best they can do by using their abilities, while the cover and numbers are there, the stonos are not slowing down.  But then, the legion in their Awesome Atone (on wheels) starts to come around, the turrets are getting fired, and even thanks to Zammy’s increased lightning abilities. He powers the vehicle to fire more powerful lightning, which can branch out to kill multiple stonos far more compared to his former lightning. While Zammy is driving, he is firing lightning ahead, making Zammy slightly cockier, Nicole and Hailwolf are at the side turrets, Mike at the top turret and Arvin fighting off any stonos who jump on the vehicle. The legion eventually makes it to where the chain has landed, this not only relieves the servicemen, but the stonos see the legion as the primary target, they update Ozona about this via the communication spell.  Ozona contacts them back, telling them to mainly focus on the legion but keep out for other dangers like the servicemen, which Ozona recently learnt about thanks to their communication spells, knowing that the servicemen aren’t that intimidating compared to the legion. As the legion arrives at the centre of the battle, the Awesome Atone does get fired at many times, losing its wheels. Even all the turrets start to lose their function no thanks to the shots and whacking from the stonos, which was more constant compared to the time when the legion tried and leave planet Ga. The legion all get out, and Nicole has a plan, keep the battle near the chain, get the servicemen to keep the residents safe and unload all their projectiles to the incoming stono army, clearing them from the ground, also stun them but killing them if too vicious. Whilst Dyon already has an idea to get stonos to turn, he also thought to gather any stonos are survive the city battle once the battle is over.  Zammy’s updated power enables him to wipe away large numbers of the stonos, even reaching those who are at the bottom of the chain. Nicole while sticking to her laser gun and even firing at any individual stonos who are trying to escape the crowd, alongside her riot shield to defend herself and others from the shots from the stonos. Arvin and Hailwolf while having minor projectiles mainly fight up-close, defending those who are firing from afar, and even Mike is helping the servicemen who are trying to help either the fighting ones or the ones trying to help the residents, firing his laser revolver and his assisting drone which also fires lasers. Meanwhile, Pod and Dyon have also started their plan, to destroy the shell of the tenger’s planet, a plan which Dyon tells the legion about, explaining a potential tidal change to the fight. This is what Pod will mainly focus on and while Dyon will be a big help, Dyon will also take the chance to remove the chains from all the planets, even moving their planets to their original spots, showing off the kind of strength Dyon has. While doing this, Pod and Dyon do keep in mind that not all stono’s are hostile, so they will only kill the stonos who are trying to attack, but the rest will be left alone as they have access to the roxi serpents to leave the planet if they are not totally into Ozona’s scheme. However, even when any innocent stono’s are at risk yet want to leave, either Pod or Dyon will try and save them. Regardless, despite a bad shot in the leg earlier, Pod regains strength and starts to flood the whole planet (even more motivated as the tengers support Pod by cheering him), even using the likes of shapeshifting ice and explosive fire to destroy the whole planet until it is all water again while also allowing time for any innocent stono’s to get going. Dyon the planet’s destruction at first by firing at the sandstone and flying into it considering how physically tough he is. Ozona who is still recovering starts to see this from afar, making all the stonos and serpents go through the chain leading to Earth, using his communication spell to explain whether they are to continue fighting or return to their homeland where they can settle. While Ozona also senses that the roxi serpents are being used to get the stonos out of the planet by flying upwards, Ozona thinks at first that the stonos are trying any way to get going, but then he starts to see that not all stonos are on his side, which he wonders, but that is not the focus of his mind. So, he goes to his castle and uses his telekinesis and force field ability to not only get the castle up in the air but enable him to fly through space, making the space vacuum not a problem. As Pod starts to see that the planet’s destruction is good enough, seeing that the land is mostly spare, Pod then uses water to get himself below the castle just before the force field solidifies, flying with Ozona. Pod creates all sorts of water activity to muddle with Ozona’s senses after considering Ozona was able to predict the Awesome Atone earlier, Both are high in the air, and the land is full of water, with no chains attached, and no stonos. Even the tengers are relieved that their dry cove is now filled to the brim with water. With all the chains removed and the planets back to their original spots (pleasing all the races of those planets), Dyon starts to help the earth, moving the earth’s chain to Mars, where all the stonos inside are moved and are given the chance to stop fighting.   

Once the chain is dropped onto Mars, some stonos attack while the others run on their roxi serpent, and effortlessly get rid of all the attacking stonos (even all the roxi serpents considering they are only mindless statues).   

Throughout Dyon’s scheme, Dyon has mentioned to all the friendly stonos to start making their way to their world, and happy with the instructions, the stonos get going, even drop their weapons.   

The other stonos dragged to Mars however try and argue back at Dyon, trying to fire at him and argue back at him. Dyon strictly tells them that following Ozona will no longer be worth it, his reign has gone on for too long. Ozona has restricted freedom massively, and Dyon even talks about how their lives will be much better with their freedom instead of assistant the lack of freedom in many other places. This does manage to get the rest of the stonos to follow the others to their world, all on the same wavelength, and they all agree that maybe aiding another leader might not be the best course for their lives. Then Dyon comes down to the city to help the legion and servicemen, reducing the rest of the numbers, and even Dyon contacted the legion earlier so that the legion knows who to take down or who to kill. And so, all the good stonos are guided to evacuate by Dyon and the rest of the stonos are going down, Even Dyon updates the legion that Pod is about to enter Earth alongside Ozona, making the legion prepare for the next task. At the city, the legion is working together far better, bouncing off each other well and mixing their abilities, even the servicemen are not only a part of this ability mixing but they see the legion for what they are, heroes. The servicemen despite their help mainly help the residents, who also see a side to the legion which is truer, and the residents are taken further away from the fighting. Arvin and Hailwolf bond, as Hailwolf feels more like a part of something but at the same time, the carnage is getting too much for her, and she cannot fake herself as someone who wants to fight all the time, and even Arvin starts to see this. Even then, Nicole supports everyone, including residents and servicemen, even talking about her other events such as how she used to be part of a burgled house of many thieves when she was very young and all she could do was leave the house, and so comparing this to what is happening now, it helps the residents to counter the fear. As the battle starts to round up, Zammy is starting to enjoy his power too much, something which Hailwolf reminds Zammy to not go too far, which makes Zammy calm down. Whilst doing so, Zammy then sees his bully from earlier, seeing he is about to get shot at by some stonos as the bully attempts to fight the stonos. Zammy uses his lightning to jump in front of the bully and zaps all those stonos all at once, saving the bully. The bully becomes thankful and apologetic for everything as Zammy sees fear in his eyes, and then Zammy offers the bully to some nearby servicemen. The bully thanks Zammy, as Zammy is seen more as a heroic figure, and a cool one at that, with the bully thinking that the rest of the team is cool too.  Throughout this fight, Retron had the lead regarding the servicemen, but over time, he saw that the servicemen were taken by the legion and Mike, disappointing Retron. When he thought he was going to be the same sniper again with the same high number of kill streaks, it is sadly low, despite managing to hit a good few, but once the battle reaches the endpoints, Retron gives up, wondering when he will shine again. Retron has been firing from a high building once a servicemen craft got him up there, but he uses the rest of the battle’s time to get to the ground floor, hiding himself from everyone. And so, the battle is over, and everyone focuses on making sure the residents are okay, and the mess starts to get clear, even Dyon helps quicken this process alongside the servicemen and the legion. Dyon also performs the same way when taking down any army, flying about for any spare army members, clearing large crowds, knocking into the enemy time via flying force and always shooting accurately. Over time, Ozona while still worn out, starts to see that he is losing this battle, the earth will not be taken as easy as other battles, especially as the earth is so innovative and evolutionary compared to other planets. But he also starts to see that planet Ga is flooding to the point of ripping the land apart, making Ozona's world go back to the tenger's world. Ozona while using the communication spell, he tells his army to either join the fight with him or start escaping back to their main home world. But as Ozona finds out later, no other stono show up, and he plans to see the stonos later, giving them a good telling off. The tengers are happy and Pod sees that the stonos are leaving, even saving one or two earlier. Pod himself sees if the stonos are keen on Ozona still, and it turns out that a good few are not, fed up with Ozona's vicious way of ruling. Pod also sees the success of his plan as he rides off Ozona’s fortress, which reaches significant speeds while also not too far from Earth. These stonos often like to benefit any leader, but Ozona is one ruler that not many would want to benefit from anyway anymore. Dyon earlier manages to break all the chains, enabling all the planets to go free, and these chains are all placed on Mars where they could be repurposed later. As Ozona nearly makes it, the legion decides to prepare themselves, Dyon will consider joining the legion but he focuses on helping the city, some people are trapped in rubble. It is also unknown whether Ozona will do anything powerful on a massive scale, someone has to aid the destruction and the presentation of death while the legion fights the centre of it all. The city battle starts to calm down, the chain is gone, the stonos are either dead or escaped and the residents and servicemen are safer, even the dead stono’s bodies are gathered to add to the cleaning, but the trouble is not done yet. Ozona and his fortress have entered the earth, and he is going to get himself a new planet, by decreasing all of the security and any other leadership, and he will do this by creating a thunderstorm all around the earth. The storm begins, and the legion is going to face him, even finding out that Pod is within the fortress too, and the servicemen will spread everywhere to protect the many leaders and more all around the earth. The legion however does get a ride from one of the flying servicemen crafts to get to Ozona, and even a couple of other servicemen with their crafts come to support the legion. With the castle hovering down to the sea, the servicemen crafts start to get going now that all the legion members are on, except Pod, who is making his way to Ozona, very slowly. Even Pod makes the sea waves wilder to distract Ozona, and not to mention, Ozona already has his eyes on the servicemen crafts that are facing him. Ozona starts to unleash the storm full on, after seeing the base and seeing where the servicemen crafts are coming from, the storm is to build around the base. Ozona also tries to sense any other type of security that is within the planet, but as that is tricky to determine as he is only sensing air, he will deal with it once he passes the first step, what’s right in front of him. As the servicemen start firing at Ozona, Ozona uses his force fields to defend himself from the lasers and starts to form lightning to fire at the ships. This results in most of the servicemen crafts going down by Ozona, and sadly eventually all of them who are trying to help the legion. Regardless, the legion makes it to the castle, everyone jumps out of the servicemen craft, and they face Ozona, now Zammy is closer to Ozona, Zammy is magnetically drawing Ozona’s lightning towards Zammy, and Zammy just manages to absorb it.  Nicole then has an idea, Ozona’s sword must be destroyed, and destroying the sword is what will stop the storm, and will reduce Ozona’s ability to fight. Now that Pod has shown up, it will be Pod and Nicole to try and destroy the sword while Arvin and Hailwolf are attempting to fight Ozona up close to try and distract him. Alongside Zammy now that Ozona decides to not use lightning again, even when Zammy is thrown out of the building, Ozona’s lightning is not going anywhere no matter where Zammy is. Not to mention Ozona struggles to kill Zammy because of not only the other legion members getting in the way, but Ozona is performing a lot of energy-based abilities, the storm, the levitating castle and trying to fight the legion, and not to mention the servicemen are still sent to try and help the legion thanks to Mike’s orders. Ozona uses the storm to prevent any of the servicemen from helping the legion as a couple more crafts come to join. Plus, Ozona is levitating the castle to try and decrease the air around them, making the legion potentially lose more oxygen. Even Mike and Retron for now concentrate on protecting the people, base and president as they spread the servicemen around while looking out for each other for what would be one of the worst storms in a long time. Overtime, Ozona becomes a hard opponent regardless, the sword moves around telekinetically, using his telekinesis to keep the legion away from him and Ozona rising the castle into the atmosphere also puts off the legion, Ozona cleverly has a force field around him to counter the cold and the oxygen, meaning everyone is running out of time. Ozona however cannot strengthen the force field around him to counter physical force as he is already straining himself with all that power. So the legion has a good strategy, Nicole fires from afar, and both Pod, Arvin and Hailwolf face Ozona up close, a chance for Hailwolf to get her back on Ozona. In the end, Ozona starts getting weaker, Pod freezes the sword and Hailwolf breaks it which stops all of his abilities and a good beat-up gets Ozona not only on the ground but also starts dying on his own. Even the energy coming from Ozona’s sword is captured as Pod forms a thick icy block around it, containing it well enough but he would need to add to the ice over time because the energy is hard to contain. His alien race may have good longevity and know that the air can help, but a lack of it can wear off any individual quickly.  

These beings often use strong winds to be carried by them, and Ozona manages to do that with his power instead of waiting for the natural wind to do so. Even Zammy has a moment of vengeance and considers finishing Ozona off using his more powerful lightning considering Ozona harmed Zammy earlier. Zammy doesn’t Like being belittled after all but he decides not to, not letting another side of him hinder his perspective and image anymore. Zammy at times does get carried away with the power he has, but even he understands that he cannot use power to hide his real self.  Ozona dies slowly on his own, making the fortress go down now his power is no longer present but Pod controls water via his trident to slow down the fall of the fortress, enabling the legion to land safely, and the legion will generate ideas for what to do with Ozona's body. But now they must return to the city, and it turns out that the damage and death have been less than everyone thought. The legion does have one more obstacle, facing the public after seeing the newly released information about them.  All the legion can do is admit this and be honest about it, and Nicole acts as the speaker as she manages to get the public to quiet down. Yes, Pod was part of a vicious race, yes Nicole was a young offender, and yes Zammy bullied someone earlier but in the end, these are flawed yet good-hearted beings who want to save the earth and even help other planets too. This makes some of the residents cheer and the rest more open-minded about them, pleased with how controlled everything was. Retron sees that this plan didn't work, and after Mike contacted the president earlier now Mike has more solid backing for how and why Retron did it, the president wants to see Retron. Retron earlier demanded the laptop back, Mike did offer it but he also used a small memory stick to copy the information to it without Retron noticing, adding to the proof. Later, Retron tries to apologise to the president (while pretending to be sorry) even trying to justify stunning the legion in their building, and he tries to defend himself by saying it was self-defence but no one buys it. Retron tries to justify his actions more by saying that once the legion was trying to get going, they were threatening Retron to get out of the way, but once again, no one believes him. While he wasn’t spotted by witnesses nor CCTV as he performed this stunning alongside disabling the Awesome Atone’s flight, this decision was half-expected. Both Mike and the president are aware that Retron dislikes the legion, and he used to perform similar situations when he was getting overtaken by others, always wanting to stay on top. When Retron is given another chance, he will have slightly less power and more of an eye on him, making Retron annoyed, but he remains opportunistic. What makes it worse for Retron is that Pod confronts Retron outside of the president’s building, as he and the others now know that Retron was who released the footage.Not to mention the private editors who helped Retron were also arrested, but they do admit that Retron was the driving force, they only wanted the money. Pod gets at Retron by saying that cannot bring down the legion in that manner, and that the legion is the best option whether Retron likes it or not. So Pod swims back into the nearby water, leaving an angered Retron, who has not given up, his next option is to use the netro that was all collected after Orphion’s attack. He starts to think of ways to bring himself back up to where he wants to be while also thinking of other ways to bring down the legion.   



~Chapter 14 - Home    

At the base, the legion, servicemen and others in the base celebrate their victory.  During this celebration, Zammy gets an audience, Pod and Arvin become fan favourites and Nicole and Mike talk about how revealing history is a good idea after all, even Mike considers revealing his history whenever he is with certain people like interviews from the public. Or, if having a deep talk with anyone like a troubled serviceman, showing how open Mike can be, explaining controversial histories like his former criminal history and his living conditions before he worked hard enough to be the general, he is. No one is bothered by that if anything it reveals a side that makes him more appealing to the public and even a couple of cases of other aliens knowing who Mike is, the founder of a great team. But in this celebration, where is Hailwolf? Earlier, she was asked if she wanted to join the legion, but after a good thing, while she was outside, she considered probably going back to her race. And so Zammy offers to take Hailwolf back to her planet, and both start to make their way to the Awesome Atone. After being forced into fighting for so long, she would like a long break from it, and even the universe would be in a better condition thanks to the legion’s influence and word of mouth.  She wants to be with her race if they want her back, and all she can do is be honest and show that she can truly be a trusting part of her tribe. Even the other legion members hear of Hailwolf leaving and considering what she has been put through, it would be wise to leave her be until she is truly needed. If they are to get new legion members, they could with someone who is less reluctant. They have arrived, and there are nerves about how Hailwolf's race will respond. Hailwolf and the chief see each other, and it turns out...she is forgiven, Hailwolf states that she helped her rid of Ozona. Additionally, this legion may be good enough to take on other threats, so Hailwolf is not only welcomed backing but will also be the race's protector. She will be in the legion if she is ever needed again, but at the same time, she must prioritise her race. Both Zammy and have their farewell, and off they go to the next step in their lives until they see each other again whenever that will be. Dyon has also been busy, weeks later, he has now placed satellites all over the galaxy to keep track of various races. He first goes to see the stono's, seeing that they are to have their own life for now instead of being many servants for a leader, and they will be kept an eye on by Dyon. He previously went to see the tengers, giving them another star after another was used to help Dyon. Not to mention when Zemion died, Dyon used his cape to contain the trident’s power, and the tengers still kept the cape as a blanket. Dyon and the tengers do have a history, They used to have the trident and its power because Dyon was the one who gave it to the tengers for them to look after, and this made this race nearly driven to extinction, but now the legion are here, they shall be safe, and so will other races. Thanks to Dyon and the satellites, the stories of the legion spread through the galaxy, causing an uprising against Zionthor, making Zionthor lose dozens of allies in such a short time. Because of how busy Dyon is, this would most likely be the last time he sees the stonos, knowing they are safe and won’t be targeted as they won’t get into combat either. On a safe planet full of greenery, and water, with clouds close to the ground, clouds which can be walked on by the way, with trees as tall as earth’s highest mountains, such a change of scenery compared to where they were previously settling in. Meanwhile, within the planet Giddery, Opasnost and Amicu see the aftermath of Ozona’s fallen empire, Opasnost and Amicu have their celebration, seeing that they are now free to roam. Amicu is especially pleased, and thanks to his mission to investigate Zionthor. Once Amicu listens out for any of Zionthor’s allies of any updates whilst he and Opasnost are exploring. Amicu then states to Opasnost that Zionthor has made an ally who is to release a massive attack against the galaxy, making Opasnost excited because he wants to have fun fighting again, hoping to get closer to fighting Zionthor himself. Even Amicu is keen to get to where the storm is charging up within, but he is keen to involve a certain clan. 

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